Vintage Krestol Salve Tin
Here is a vintage Krestol salve tin made in the 1950’s. McNess home products were created in 1908 when Frank E. Furst and Frederick W. McNess founded the Furst-McNess Company in Freeport, Illinois.
Scented in Vintage Leather & Oak Noir
*Eligible for one FREE refill with choice of scent
Here is a vintage Krestol salve tin made in the 1950’s. McNess home products were created in 1908 when Frank E. Furst and Frederick W. McNess founded the Furst-McNess Company in Freeport, Illinois.
Scented in Vintage Leather & Oak Noir
*Eligible for one FREE refill with choice of scent
Here is a vintage Krestol salve tin made in the 1950’s. McNess home products were created in 1908 when Frank E. Furst and Frederick W. McNess founded the Furst-McNess Company in Freeport, Illinois.
Scented in Vintage Leather & Oak Noir
*Eligible for one FREE refill with choice of scent